Jeg arbejder på at kunne tilbyde mine tegninger til salg som bl.a. plakater, artprints og forskellige sjove gadget, f.eks. telefoncovers, badeforhæng etc … Det foregår hos firmaet Redbubbles, som producerer og udsender de bestilte varer.
Varerne bliver produceret mange steder, og det kan være rart at vide hvor de laves, det kan du se her på Redbubbles ‘Product Manufacturing Info’ side.
Jeg har sendt en forespørgsel til Redbubble, hvor jeg spørger, om der er told på varer, der produceres uden for EU, f.eks. deres ur (Clock) der laves i USA.
Svaret er:
“The best way to find the accurate cost and times is to add the items to your cart and enter your shipping address at checkout. This way, you can see all the shipping details and taxes without committing to buying anything.
We take all steps to comply with general world shipping standards, however taxes and duties differ from country to country and change fairly frequently. We want you to have a terrific Redbubble experience, so if you are asked to pay customs, we got your back!
After paying the customs charge, you’ll need to send us a picture of the proof of payment of the customs charge and we’ll get straight to work on making things right.“
Redbubble er en engelsk side, hvor du kan betale med de mest almindelige kort.
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Herunder ses priseksempler på bla. kunsttryk=art prints